New year in the merde

Well, it was cold at 11.30 on new year’s day here in Scotland. So, doing this sort of sillines wasn’t a good idea, except that we made a fortune For Maggies Cancer Care Centres. So it wasn’t so daft after all was it?

A very pertinent point Pete. (And nice use of alliteration).


But triumphal all the same…


It was OK for the RNLI. They were prepared for the weather…


In fact they were loving it…


The Speedos made an appearance as promised.


I even got me tits oot fur the giruls…


But they reciprocated!


And we all went away happy for another year.


For those of you who made a pledge, would you mind sending me a cheque to the house made out to Maggies Centres. If you don’t know my home address call me. I ain’t publishing it here. It might attract crackpots!

Thank you all for your support once again.

It’s all on film here but a tad slow to load.

Thanks for this Doug!

And here too…

Thanks Mike

And here

One thought on “New year in the merde

Come on folks. Don't just sit there gawping. Say something. Get involved.