Oops. That wasn’t supposed to happen.

Bike broke.  Badly.

Whilst cycling through Auchtertool yesterday.  It’s at Sandy Wallace’s being breathed life into Lazarusly.

Chain broke, derailleur broke, cables broke, tyre burst.

But it has contributed to my New Year weight loss.  11lbs down in 16 days so far.


3 thoughts on “Oops. That wasn’t supposed to happen.

  1. Can you summarise your diet for a dumbass like me – I’ve cycled around 300 miles and not lost an pound – am i drinking too much beer and wine ?!!


    • OK. It’s really simple. And involves calories. You consume as many as you burn and you don’t lose weight. So start from your normal daily burn which for men our size is about 2,500 calories. Cut that by 1,000 and do 1,000 cals of exercise (an hour vigorous workout) and you are a net 2,000 calorie debt per day. It’s 3,500 calories to lose a pound so I reckon this equates to half a pound a day or 3.5 – 4 lbs a week.

      Now, to what to eat. You need to go for slow release foods on so few calories (but you can have lots of them). Alcohol is a total no no.

      No simple carbs like bread, cereal, pastry, chocolate, biscuits, crisps, potatoes, white rice and pasta Absolutely none at all

      Instead swap those, if you must, for complex carbohydrates like brown rice and wholemeal pasta (in moderation). Eat lots of pulses and protein (lean meat and eggs preferably).

      Eat breakfast. An absolute MUST. I have 50g of high fruit and nut muesli with a lot of fresh fruit in it like melon, blueberries and strawberries. Skimmed milk (400 cals approx)

      For lunch I have soup and fruit (apples usually) – no bread with the soup, or, if at home, a two or 3 egg omelette, no fat in the cooking (just that spray stuff). (300 cals approx)

      For dinner I usually have things like stir fries with chicken or prawns or fillet steak. Loads and loads of veg and only a handful of Brown rice or 70g of wholemeal pasta. If I’m hungry later on I have those roasted monkey nuts you get in shel at Tesco or another apple. (700 cals approx).

      If I cycle in and out of Edinburgh and walk the bridge I’ll burn 4,500 calories and will have lost a pound in a day.

      The theory is called food combining (and it’s about managing your blood sugar levels effectively). This book is magnificent. I swear by it. The Food Doctor Everyday diet by Ian Marber. Forget the recipes just read the theory over and over till it sticks.

      I promise you, you won’t be hungry on this diet. The worst bit is the no booze but an important principle in the diet is what he calls the 80:20 rukl in which 20% of the time you relax the regime (for me that means you can have a bev!)

      That’s it.


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