Days 15 and 16: The Edinburgh Fringe, Film Festival and Book Festival.

My pick of the weekend. Little Warrior. I hope to see the ‘Full Monty” in time.

This was not great weekend for the entertainment. Although hardly a disaster.

Let’s start with the good. I saw a lovely short documentary by LS Films at The Vue in the film festival on Saturday afternoon called “Little Warrior” about a young Venezuelan female boxer coached by Gary Young, via the internet, from Edinburgh. It’s beautifully shot and a teaser for the feature that may come if funding does. I do hope so as it’s really lovely. 3.5 stars.

Then we went to the Book Festival to see the glorious PJ Harvey unspool horrifically in a sixth form wankathon. Special criticism goes to the interviewer, Don Paterson, who I am reliably informed is a great poet and PJ’s mentor. Trouble is though, he liked the sound of his own voice more than PJ’s. And PJ’s poetry reeks of pish and ham. A truly awful evening in the company of greatness. 2 stars.

The day finished with a cheeky wee invite to the Film Festival closing party at which I had a good old chat with Mark Cousins and his partner. Very enjoyable.

On Sunday I went to an absurdist comedy (I hate to say it but it was meta) called Horse Country at Assembly Studio 2. Two amazing male performers present a very absurd, surreal, meta show that simply wasn’t to my taste. That said I have to doff my cap at their performances. James loved it. But James is meta. Performance 4 stars, script 2 stars. Overall 3 stars.

But TBH pretty lean pickings.