meet your doom

Jeez. One thing we did on holiday was visit Alton Towers. Nemesis is a twenty odd year old rollercoaster but it packs a punch as you can see from Tom and my expressions. (Click on the image for a close up.) Tom’s is most telling because he claims to have no fear at all on these horrorfests.

One of the world's most effective bowel evacuators.

One of the world's most effective bowel evacuators.

But I do detect closed eyes and pursed lips.

Needless to say Tom and Ria did the lot. I did them all too, Nemesis, Air, Rita Need for Speed – all great but I’m afraid I drew the line at Oblivion.

One step too far.

Even Jeana joined in…

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god...

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god...

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