Latest reading

Just finished a couple of non-fiction books which isn’t my usual poison.  I’m more a fiction man.  Both have had their merits.

The first is this.


A book about choice architecture and how to help people make  reasoned decisions by influencing them at a high level (government, management etc) without prejudice.  It focuses on a political leaning called libertarian paternalism.  I felt very grown up reading, and finishing,  it.  But truth be told although I gained a few intellectual insights I can’t really recommend it.  I understand it is taking the political world by storm.

I repeat, I can’t recommend it.

The second features Britain’s best loved attention deficit disorder sufferer.  Poor old Russel Brand.  Oh how we can’t work him out.

yes.  I know...

yes. I know...

This autobiography is actually a most enjoyable and interesting insight into a form of fame driven madness.

Do I like him any more having read it?  No.

Do I pity him?  No.

Have I gained any respect for him.  Actually, yes.

5 thoughts on “Latest reading

  1. I differ on the reading malarky. I’m a non-fiction junkie. “Freakonomics” applies economic models and thinking to everyday life brilliantly. “The Tiger That Isn’t” does likewise with numbers.

    That Booky Wook has been sat under the missus’ bedside table for sometime. That and Madonna’s brother’s tell-all book.
    Life’s too short.


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